sábado, 16 de mayo de 2015

Technogical Proposal - Speaking Skill

Technological Proposal


Technological Proposal


lunes, 27 de abril de 2015

martes, 17 de marzo de 2015

Review of unit 2

Around all this second unit we have approached to the different sorts of instructional methods and media. We have learned different ways to teach in the future. getting this knowledge, we could use them without making a class boring and it is more entertaining for students. It was not very difficult to understand these topics but sometimes we bewilder them because they have some features very similar. Nevertheless, we could become the class more dynamic in order to sow more interest for the class.

Content for Intro English Class


miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2015

jueves, 5 de febrero de 2015


This Blog was created by Abinadab,Daniel,Fernando and Oliver as a requirement of a subject with the purpose to share infomation related to educational technology. Sharing this information will ease the handing in of homeworks without making confutions, and avoiding problems. As a team we are glad to share all our information and our advances in this subject to you.

martes, 3 de febrero de 2015

Educational Technology

Unit 1 At the beggining of this course certain things were studied to improve our comprehensionof the same. Invisible learning and TPI were the first topics for analizing. They were totally compelling for our studies in technological education. First we studied our evolution as humanity and many features of them. In TPI we analyze the types of teaching perspectives, this was totally interesting since we can realize what kind of teacher we could be. Until now, the most difficult activity was he essay but as pitfall use learn for this essay and understand more the tecnological advance in our education. Also, about the class, we think that it have been enough clear to do the homeworks and activities, also, they are different than the activities that we usually do.